I once took a vow
To love you for better or worse,
in sickness and health,
for richer or poorer,
for as long as we both shall live.
Now sickness has set in,
Old age has arrived,
Fortunes have waned,
Our wedding photos faded,
Along with our youthful aspirations.
You take my tired hands in yours,
Smooth out the lines around my eyes,
Tuck my thinning hair behind my ears,
And catch the falling tears
running down my cheek.
You look onto me the same way
As that day you took the same vow,
As we started our new life together
As man and wife
For the rest of our lives.
We built our world
We lived through many joys
We survived many storms
We grew in love
I was there when you battled
the wars in your body
And you were there when I battled
the wars to keep our world.
Some of those battles we won
and some we lost.
But through it all,
we had each other.
So you may see my tired hands,
My worried eyes,
My greying hair,
But also see my grateful tears.
For the love that I have for you
carries me everyday,
to take care of you,
in body and mind.
The love I have for you
runs through my whole being,
and is carried in the winds
to reach all corners of the world.
The love I have for you
is the centre that I draw upon
in my love for all in this world,
and all that I do for this world.
So whether for better or worse,
in sickness and health,
for richer or poorer,
for as long as I shall live,
my love is in every breath.
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