In Betweens

We think life is about the highs

and avoiding the lows,

but so much of life is

in between.


It’s in the forgettable moments,

the seemingly mundane

and trivial times,

that’s so easily missed.


It’s all the little moments

that don’t make up to much,

not the kind of events

that you write home about.


It’s the washing of the cup,

or the walk to the other room,

or passing by the passer by,

or simply just another day.


It may be the times you want over with.

The stage before the next stage.

It’s what happens when you are waiting

for something else to happen.


Life is made up of these

in betweens.

Yet we do not live them,

do not care for them.


We may even wish them away,

to replace them for something

more exciting, more desirable,

less dull and less bland.


Yet the in betweens is every moment

of every day: in every breath,

every thought, every movement,

every stillness, every agitation.


To miss them is to miss life.


So open to the wonder

of the humble in betweens.

It is not loud or demanding.

Take rest in its gentleness.


Tender to them with kindness.

Be alive and awake in them.

Then you can stop missing

what’s been here with you all along.

31 December 2022

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